Friday, 19 March 2010

Thankless Tasks.

What is it about women that makes us do things without being asked? Are we aspiring for martyrdom? My friend had this little rant which I have reproduced below.
“So something interesting happened tonight. I was talking to Bf, but I had underlying animosity, but I’m not sure where it came from. So basically, I was telling him about how I cut the phone on FB, and basically pay him no mind, and then I ask if Joy stil kals him and he said yea sometimes. And that just did my head in, because I was thinking that so here I am, being rude to FA and other toasters, not picking his calls at the expense of being seen as a bitch, but he still gets to pick the calls of these other girls!! Okay o, I am not impressed with the unfairness of the situation. To be clear, I could care less about FB, and can definitely sacrifice him over and over for Bf’s happiness; this is not the issue. So we start chatting, and I just basically become curt. what is good for the goose is good for the gander, not so?! So I was actually mad about this. He senses this, and then asks why I am being all... and I play it off . In retrospect, I know that it is because I have to do things, he doesn’t have to do, and I am mad at him for this, and the fact that I was born a woman!! Lol but I am just pissed off. Sometimes I cannot understand my feelings because I know that I love my Bf very much and I want to be nothing more than the best wife and mother; but then I begin to think about how I do not need a degree to make a pot of stew...what im saying is, I would just hate to be taken for granted or treated unfairly. Like it just makes my skin crawl and I cannot stand it. . I want to be treated with respect, I want to be treated kindly, I want to have a career to go to everyday, I want my opinions to be treated with value and respected. I need to give him a chance; and I need to put my feminist gloves down. This much I know. But not at the expense of all those ways that I want to be treated. I am worried I am going to turn out like Enitan in “Everything Good will Come”. I wonder if he knows about these feelings. I think that he suspects. What I’m saying is, can I be the woman that I want to be? Without being clothed in that word ‘submission’...
And then I found the answer to the rant. A one liner from Arit Okpo’s “Ode to womanhood.” :
Why do we insist on sacrifice, even when it is not necessary and then feel wounded when it’s not appreciated?
Jesus already died for all our sins- he is the ultimate martyr. That is enough. She was unimpressed with my response (laughter)!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Feminist Gloves.

Dear Blogworld,
i realise i have been away for a bit. my happy new year is coming late, but a happy new year it is!! too many demands but my educational journey is close to being over by God's grace.
i am not writing a story...just thought to introduce this fabulous write-up: pls click on the link and support this fabulous writer! she certainly has her Feminist gloves on and is suffering no fools gladly!