Sunday, 2 August 2009


Complaint 1: There’s nothing I hate more than not being taken seriously.
“To understand other people, you must first realise they are other people and not another you.”For most females, this is a bitter pill to swallow. Hell, for me I know it is. That is why we engage in the very futile endeavour of trying to change our partners or mould them into what we want. This is why we complain about our feelings not being taken into consideration.Men do things that only they understand. They do not get why females feel the need to discuss emotions, feelings and all that mushy stuff. They do not get why we like to gossip and talk about other people’s relationships. They do not get why we are pre-menstrual. They do not get why we get upset when they do not remember birthdays, special events and all the kind of dates that women think are important. At first, I thought this was a generalisation; but it is so true- men are just not bothered about ish like that. Personally, I think they are just lazy when it comes to being “emotionally vocal”; yet they would argue about the most irrelevant ish- like football! Men really are from Mars.They say the first rule of love is to listen. When we argue, do we ever stop to hear the other person out or try to understand why they behave the way that they do? Maybe it is God-ordained that they behave that way; because try as you may, you will never be able to change him or make him suit your preferences- unless you want to become a nag/ boss lady. Then there’s the other small matter of actually liking what you’ve turned him into; because after all, was it not his quiet nature/ listening ear you fell in love with?Maybe women should take a leaf out of their books and learn to listen more. I also think men need to make more of an effort with communication, because we will never be able to get inside their heads unless they let us in by talking, communicating, and responding. We all know communication is the life- force of a relationship.Men ought to know there is nothing more erotic & turn-on-ish than connecting with a female you care about intellectually, mentally, verbally…falling in love with each other’s minds/ thought processes is hard to compete with; there will always be sexier women/ buffer men- but only one person on earth who thinks the way that he/ she does.

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