Sunday, 31 May 2009

Guilty...until proven Innocent.

The words of John Legend’s “Number One” float into my head… “you can’t sayyy I don’t love u just because I cheat on you” and then Kanye’s sickkk rap to it where he goes “but my heart don’t got nothing to do with my penis, it got a mind of its own…”

Lol…I actually really like this song, I think its catchy…forget the bitter pill its trying to make us women swallow! a bad thing is a bad thing, it has no other name!

On the reals tho, when you enter into a relationship, what sort of mind-set have you got? Do you enter it fully expecting to be cheated on at some point?

How about my Long- distance people…do you expect boyfi/ gurlfi to cheat on you at some point because after all, body no be fire wood? How about the day he just reeli needs a good fuck and wifey’s p**** is too far away?

Or for the women, its that time of the month, you’re ovulating and the fuck feeling comes to you in waves…how do you keep your legs tightly crossed and stop that pussy juice flowing all the way to fuck buddy’s d***?

How do you approach your relationship with better-half? With suspicion? Asking all typsa questions that’s guaranteed to drive anyone outta their flippin minds? Do you trust wholeheartedly; because you know you are with a good person, because trust is the foundation of a relationship and if you don’t trust him/her to behave, then you might as well call it quits? Does this kind of trust border on naiveté ? Are you really stupid if you think it’s not too much to ask that better-half be faithful?

What really is the difference between trust and naiveté ?

Is it really true that an erect penis has no conscience? A wet vagina nko? Lol @ Tairebabs for dis one!

Do you look @ relationships around you and decide what to expect from yours? I still think or rather I know a few guys/ girls who are actually really faithful…so it’s not as if this is an impossible task…(again, Jill Scott’s “Celibacy Blues” pops into my head)...

Do you think its more practical to come to an agreement with better half, that when you’re “away”, he can have a few indiscretions which you will be willing to overlook as long as he protects himself (and you!) from STI’s?

Or do you think that is just his license to spread his wings n flyyy? I don’t know how far this is true, but I hear women are better at self-control than men? Hmm…story for another day m8!

Is it innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent for you guys? More importantly, should it be?

My mother said something and it may be applicable in this context: “if you want to know how well one can handle responsibility, give him something to be responsible for first.” As in, how else can you teach someone certain values without entrusting them with something (your heart) in the first place? How do you know someone isn’t good at something without first giving them the chance to try?

Don’t look @ me oh! I equally have no ready-made answers to all the issues I throw at you guys…

Let’s talk.

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