Wednesday, 13 May 2009


Here’s one of Alicia Key’s “Spoken word” poetry that never fails to inspire me…

Here I am…
Here we are…As it will go on forever
Noise…always noise
Candles burn, Lights are low, I have no place to go
Life in its constant state of moving nowhere,
The music is nice,
Floats through the air,
Sounds of waves crashing everywhere,
The cursive submissions, mind conditions… riding with a left hand, unknowing and taking the chance,
Why not fly?
Why not try?
This constant game I play to stay high…but all is just a state of mind,
All is reality of your choice,
Constant Evolution, Constant Adaptation, Constant State of moving no where.
Footsteps…silence is loud…kindness is brave…wisdom is long…loving is necessary! I need it… we need it,
Searching…looking for satisfaction, It is nowhere, it is everywhere, pleading, pleading, praying for God to come,
What are we waiting for?
Why are we so afraid of taking charge?
But its always changing…always…in the constant state of going nowhere
We all have demons to battle,
Roads to walk,
Crosses to bear,
Mistakes and sins,
Candles and their steady glow,
Water and its constant crash, endless horizon…rocks of times long gone, still strong still here and so are we,
Here we are, forever
The constant state of going nowhere…the constant state of going nowhere...con- con stant state of moving nowhere…its like a jungle…its like a jungle out here….
(she breaks into song)

I hope it speaks to you too in some way…

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