Monday, 25 May 2009


People have different ways they view life, different approaches to the way the same object is viewed…I see a mountain, you see a mole-hill.
Some people think that when things are going too smoothly in your life, it means something bad is about to happen and you shouldn’t be getting too comfortable.
Some people think that infact you should live life expecting the worst, so that if or when the worst does happen, you were well prepared and you were…you know… expecting it!
So you are never caught unawares…nothing is too smooth to slip past your ever-anxious mind…hell, you’ve thought up everything in the book of “life’s fuck-ups” that infact fate would have a hard time beating you at its own game. Mind on weed…lol

Okay, so while this may work for you in some things…say business, because then it just means you are uber- savvy and no one can cheat you…how about the more important things? You know…affairs of the heart.
I have heard people say too many times that when you have a good man, enjoy it while it lasts….because all good things come to an end. They go on to tell me to never trust a man because he will either cheat, get bored and move on, or simply stay and make life a living hell…because he’s too selfish to let go and too proud to admit he’s failed at something.
Sometimes I listen…I digest…I understand…I internalise…and regurgitate! Because my mind has just refused to accept that I cannot have it all and be blissfully happy! Call me a hopeless optimist. But I think that if you live expecting the very worst, then you attract the very worst…Negative re-enforcement…if you think it long enough, your actions will make it happen. And when you are in this bad place mentally, it is impossible to enjoy the present goodness.
While life will throw u a curve every now and then, you cannot dodge the arrow before it has been thrown…can you perpetually be in duck mode…sqatting…dodging? Perhaps, nine chances out of ten, you will be able to handle it, and the problem may never really erupt from where you think it will.
So…the next time you look at the love of your life and scrutinize, looking for the expiry date on your love affair, or flaws, accept the thought that in fact, there is nothing wrong...nothing to be found…no shady past…NOTHING.


  1. Hope for the best; expect the worst? Sometimes, there really is nothing to be afraid of.

  2. lol..tell it to a woman who's had her heart broken one time too many!
    thnx for stopping by!
